Group Mastermind with Business Advisor
Dr. Mitch Levin

For Laser-Focused Business Owners Only...

It’s time for MORE MONEY, MORE FREEDOM and MORE FUN with personal coaching from business advisor Dr. Mitch Levin!

Business advisor Dr. Mitch Levin with his business coaching mastermind group
Business advisor Dr. Mitch Levin with his mastermind group

Only a handful people in the whole WORLD will get
personal, hands-on coaching and mentoring with me...
AND participate in my small group mastermind
sessions... all designed to create bigger-than-ever
income, personal freedom and happiness
breakthroughs for you in this year and beyond.

Will YOU be one of the lucky few to work with business advisor Mitch Levin, MD?

Dear Independent Business Owner,

If you’d like to discover the “road less traveled”…

The one that can take you to financial independence and prosperity faster than you ever imagined possible…

Then imagine this:

How would you like to see your business and income go from this…

. . . to this:

…and do it this coming year by “leap-frogging” over the frustrating and stressful decades-long paying-your-dues learning curve usually required for entrepreneurial success and abundant prosperity?

If you are like most independent business owners (notice I did not say “small” business owner), you wanted the freedom and money and respect that goes (or should go) along with being in business for yourself.

But somewhere along the road, you got side-tracked. Your employees often let you down. You have hit a growth ceiling. Why is your competitor, who really is no good, doing better than you?

You are working way too much, or worse, you have given up trying to grow your business and delegate your way-too-many, and pain-in-the-neck tasks and roles.

You fear that if you took a 3-week vacation, let alone a 3-month summer in the mountains… your business could fall apart.

No, there is nothing small about what you do, about your level of risk and aggravation, about your responsibilities and commitments, or anything about your business—except its size.

And your cash flow. 

Why isn’t it a raging torrent?

You know how hard it is to get new customers. You know how hard it is to keep your existing customers happy. You know how hard it is to get referrals.

You may wake up in the cold dead of night in a sweat. Payables, receivables, vendors, deliveries, regulations, customer complaints, license authorities, lawyers, employees, retirement…

The list can be frustrating and exhausting and overwhelming.

There is a simple (notice I did not say “easy”) system that solves these issues. Once and for all!

  • It will help you grow.
  • It will greatly increase your net, after-tax cash flow, and
  • It will give you back more time to enjoy what you have worked so hard for and so richly deserve.

In short, my “Maverick Millionaire Methodtm will make your business great again. It will help you fall in love with your business—all over again. GUARANTEED.

Yes. I said it. GUARANTEED. A “No Weasel Clause Guarantee™.” 

It is not FREE, of course. Unless you consider you are getting money at a discount.

More on this later…

But first…

Here’s what it’s all about:

For a very limited time, I’m opening the doors to an exclusive private mentoring, business advisor opportunity. And I’m inviting a select few exceptional individuals to join me on this new adventure.

Within only a few short hours, you can be enjoying unprecedented growth, elimination of frustrations, reductions in taxes, dramatic increases in cash flow, and more time to fish or golf or…

Yes, you should have that dream of the “Work-Optional Lifestyle” become a reality.

You can enjoy growth of 30%, increasing your cash flow by 300%, working only 3 days a week in 3 months or less. And all while your net worth can increase by 30% too.

Sounds too good to be true? It can be done. Because it has been done. And I have done it for myself and for countless other business owners, just like you.

I do this because I want to, not because I have to. As a business advisor, I have built, bought and sold over 33 business entities for myself, and 16 businesses for my clients. I have had almost 700 employees.

Representing over $537 Million in business assets. My clients have experienced and enjoyed the successes that could be yours.

Joining my group may be the most important thing you can do this year. The one thing that could be giving you the ticket to the successes you dreamed of and rid you of the frustrations you have put up with.

And as I have told you, it is guaranteed. In 3 short, simple steps. First, I give you the recipe. Second, all you have to do is stick it in the oven. And third, then feast on your successes.

Are YOU eligible to be accepted?

We’ll soon see.

But first, I’m going to reveal something you might find quite shocking…

Almost Everything You Know About Marketing, Growing, Managing and Cash-Flowing Your Business Is Dead Wrong!

The biggest problem with business consulting today is not a lack of information. It’s the fact that we’re distressed, dumbfounded and disoriented by a glut of conflicting and confusing information.

It has become waaayyy too difficult and time consuming to try and sort the wheat from the chaff… to find the limited “gold” hidden amongst all the B.S.

The simple truth is this; the difference between just getting by and making an absolute FORTUNE in your business depends on only a handful of key strategies and actions.

And fortunately for you, your competitors don’t know these strategies and actions. Or they’re simply too stubborn, sluggish or slothful to act on them.

Heck, more than two decades as a serial successful entrepreneur and business advisor to others has shown me that most entrepreneurs — from the small “kitchen table” start-ups to even many of the big players — are struggling from month to month, year to year…

…simply because they’re ignorant about the most effective and jealously guarded business success secrets.

You can do like I did and spend years trying to discover these secrets and strategies all by your little lonesome. And losing decades of your life and hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars in the process.

Oh, God forbid, not millions of dollars, please.

Or… you can let somebody who has already paid that steep price show you the shortcut around all that gut- wrenching, soul-depleting misery.

You see, what you’re missing most, whether you realize it or not, is…

A Mentor Who Has Done It Before (dozens of times), Who Truly Cares About
Your Personal Success!

A business advisor and coach 100% committed to helping you achieve what you desire with all your heart.

An ally willing to brave the hail of gunfire you’re pinned down by, crawl into your foxhole and fight your enemies with you.

A faithful partner (like I once had in the Wealth Management firm) who’s constantly watching your back to keep you safe from harm,

A Dutch uncle who will dive head-first into your business with sleeves rolled up, ready to get his hands dirty doing whatever it takes to get you to the next level.

Even if he has to push you from time to time.

And in the most extreme cases…

Carry You!

What gives me the greatest sense of personal satisfaction is working with someone motivated to achieve your goals and dreams. Someone with the guts to take the bull by the horns and make things happen.

Someone already experiencing success (however you define it.) But waiting for the right coach who cares enough to work with you side-by-side… to take you to the next level… and beyond.

And that’s what my Maverick Millionaire program is all about.

It’s a chance to sneak into a year’s worth of my closed-door private “inner circle” mastermind meetings. And be part of a no-holds-barred, nothing held back elite insiders-only group.

An exclusive membership where I freely reveal my most jealously guarded business growth, time and prosperity — happiness secrets.

I love sharing my life and business experiences every month in The Maverick Millionaire Letter, the monthly webinars and the all too brief one-on-one phone times.

Lives are changing, businesses are growing, people are getting free from dead-end, soul-depleting J-O-Bs… and…

Incomes Are Doubling, Tripling… And Even Quadrupling!

I’m really happy about all that.

Other times, frustrated.

You see, I try my best to help you as much as possible with the basic “Maverick Millionaire Winners Circle” membership.

But there’s only so much magic I can perform with the limited time we have together in the Maverick Millionaire each month. Or when I occasionally (lately VERY occasionally) get the opportunity to briefly chat with my Winners on the phone.

The growing number of people constantly tugging at my sleeve for help is now forcing me to limit the time I can share.

I feel like I’m being forced to drive with my brakes on. I’ve got a Porsche with the ability to go 218 MPH, for cryin’ out loud! But all these restrictions won’t allow me to take off the brakes and “punch it”, pedal to the metal, so I can FLY.

I want to travel at the speeds I’m capable of achieving. And I know there’s a small group of exceptional people who want to fly at maximum velocity with me.

But to do that, we need a system. A system that will let my Porsche perform at its maximum potential…

…while you come along for the ride and fly at 218MPH with me.

And that’s exactly what I’ve put together for you.

The basic Maverick Millionaire membership is a good start. But this… my coveted Maverick Millionaire Mastermind… now we’re talkin’! It’s how I’ve always desired to work with a tight- knit group of winners.

The handful of people I’ll be working with in Maverick Millionaire will get the most precious commodity I have to offer…

My Time!

It used to be I was always eager to talk with any of my Winners who wanted to pick my brain. I answered emails, made phone calls… Heck, I even gave free business critiques whenever I could.

But I simply can’t do it anymore. The Maverick Millionaire Winners Circle is growing rapidly, and I’ve got Winners all over the country, rapidly spreading to all corners of the globe.

Demand for my time has become overwhelming. I’m constantly besieged by people who want to become my clients (I haven’t been taking any more), people who want me to speak at their seminars, and events, people who want to interview me… and so on.

Look, don’t you dare think I’m getting too big for my britches. Far from it.

It’s just that there are only so many hours in a day and I’m someone who seriously values and protects his time. Just like a LASER surgeon stands guard over a prepped, draped, vulnerable patient.

However, if this offer to personally work with me one-on-one is right for you… AND if you’re accepted… you’11 get the same “take you under my wing” mentoring others did for me. With…

NOTHING Held Back!

With my new Maverick Millionaire MasterMind, I finally feel free to reveal all the secrets I’ve been chomping at the bit to share… but haven’t. Because, quite frankly, I believe they’re over most people’s heads.

This stuff is only for the handful of Winners in my Maverick Millionaire who are truly ready to cure your “fear diseases” and make more progress in the next 12 months than the last 12 years!

Now that I’ve had the benefit of hindsight (see what I did there?), I can clearly see that my entire life has been one long non-stop “success boot camp” to prepare me for this very moment… right here, right now.

From the very first time as a rookie eye surgeon, I used my 8-year LASER surgery training to keep a cool head when I did my first case, successfully…

My 33 long years of non-stop entrepreneurial successes…

My long-awaited and hard-won breakthrough success epiphany with my first non-medical business…

…and the MAJOR personal sacrifices I made to sit at the feet of master business owners around the world, some from the Fortune 500 Elite group, gleaning the highest-level growth, time and money secrets from their genius (and eccentric) minds.

Every single experience… every disappointment… every tear… every drop of blood I sweated… EVERYTHING has been to prepare me for this very moment.

The moment I can finally open the floodgates and give you EVERYTHING you need to propel yourself as high as you desire to fly.

Bottom line:

My Maverick Millionaire Mastermind has been meticulously engineered, tested and PROVEN to allow you to grow faster than ever before.

It’s me working with a core group of extraordinary Winners who will gladly give me the freedom to drive my Porsche with the brakes off. While you come along for the 218 MPH ride of your life!

I think the only way I could work with you any closer is if I bunked in your spare bedroom for the next year.

(And the beautiful and German Swantje strongly opposes that idea.)

I’ve been thinking about doing something like this for a while. But I kept putting it off until a “better time,’’

Well, I know better. There will never be a better time than NOW. And I feel more compelled than ever to do this… because…

You’ve Been Lied To…


And it’s time you discover the truth.

I’m tired of seeing good people suckered out of money for BSOs (bright shiny objects). And losing your irreplaceable time in plans and schemes promoted as the “next big thing”… but don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of ever working.

It’s painfully obvious to me and any other grizzled veteran successful entrepreneurs that most Business “gurus” are completely clueless about the real tried and true success strategies and secrets.

If these Business Management “experts” actually were aware of this stuff (like you soon could be), they wouldn’t be living paycheck to paycheck. Or more accurately, loser to loser.

Is that the kind of person you want to rely on for your future success and prosperity?

Aren’t You Tired Of “Teachers” Who Aren’t DOERS?

I’m one of the few who actually walks the walk. I’m still in the game, not teaching stuff from distant memory that worked 20 years ago. I can show you what’s working right now to take your income to the next level.

Or even all the way to the stratosphere if that’s what you truly desire. (I’m one of the few people who will be honest with you about the real price you must pay if you want a big multi-million-dollar business.)

If you’re the kind of person I’m looking for, you’re about to become an insider. One of a privileged few who gets access to all my highest level, hard-won, elite “black belt” growth, time and money secrets. With NOTHING held back.

All the “Navy SEALS of business” secrets I simply cannot reveal in my newsletters and webinars. For the exact same reason, you wouldn’t give an 8-year-old child the launch codes to an intercontinental ballistic missile.

You see, this is big boy/big girl stuff… ONLY for the exceptional few. The special folks who are 100% ready for the heaviest of truths and secrets. And who will swear to ONLY use them for good, never evil.

Will you promise me that?


Let’s get down to brass tacks…

Here’s How It’s Going To Work:

Three times a year we’re going to spend two days together going deep into your business, goals and dreams. Smashing through all the illusions, delusions and sticking points holding you back from what you really want.

When we’re in our daily sessions we’re going to work with 100% focus. We’re going to do whatever it takes to create the powerful mastermind environment that provides the plateau-busting breakthroughs you need most to get you to the next level.

I’ll facilitate the whole thing, share my brain and experience as needed and keep things from going off track. But this ain’t the Financial Physician, or Master of the Deal, or Maverick Millionaire show.

We Will ALL Be Contributors!

In fact, that’s a condition of your acceptance into Maverick Millionaire Mastermind. You must agree to contribute during our meetings. And also report back to the group about your results.

All members agree to share any techniques, tactics or secrets they’ve discovered that are working well. . . so we can all swipe and adapt them for our own businesses.

At least once during each two-day meeting you’ll get your own “hot seat” in front of me, and the group. This is your time. It’s all about YOU. (How often do you get that kind of total focused attention from anybody?)

During your time in the hot seat, we’ll focus exclusively on your business, your goals, your biggest challenges… whatever you need help with,

I’m going to make sure everyone in the group gets the time and attention they need for their breakthrough “Ah-Ha” moments.

Bring your sales and marketing, websites, pricing and product or service ideas, sales and conversion results, financial statements and tax returns… whatever you want. The team and I will roll up our sleeves and go to work. We’ll do everything we can to improve your results and make your business and your lifestyle world-class.

So be prepared. During the day, we’re going to be doing the hardest of hard work. The work almost nobody ever does…


But all work and no play make Maverick Millionaire-Maker’s proteges dull boys and girls.

So… in the evenings, it’s all about fun, fellowship, support and encouragement.

We’re building a close-knit team of people who “have your back.” Folks who sincerely want to help you on your own personal success and happiness journey.

Each evening we’re going to head out as a group to have fun, break bread together, laugh, enjoy each other’s company. And probably eat ourselves silly with some of the finest food around.

After a day of masterminding together, we all need a chance to relax, unwind, encourage each other and enjoy some bonding time. With encouraging slaps on the back and celebratory high-fives.

In the months we don’t meet in person we’ll have…

Maverick Millionaire Mastermind

The purpose is basically the same as the in-person meetings. Each person gets their own time in the virtual hot seat, and we’ll all share updates with the group.

We’ll use these webinars to tweak and readjust plans and goals and make sure you’re still on the right track.

The webinars can never replace our in-person two-day meetings… but they’ll serve as your “booster shot” until we meet again in person.

In the months we don’t meet in person, in addition to the group webinar, you’ll also get…

One-On-One Phone Time With Me!

I’m going to do something I almost NEVER do. I’ll give you my personal phone number and add you to my “A-list” contacts. When you need me, you’ll get my undivided attention and focus. I’ll direct all my gray matter to helping you conquer your most perplexing problems.

Feel free to send me any plans, financial or marketing materials a week in advance of our call and I’ll invest whatever time I need to analyze everything.

That way, when we get on the call, we’ll both have done our homework in advance and don’t have to waste any time getting up to speed. We can jump right into it, so you get the maximum value and ROI from a focused and productive phone consultation.

In addition to all that, you’ll also have access to the secret password-protected members-ONLY…

Maverick Millionaire Mastermind Private Website!

Actually, it’s a hidden “insiders only” section on Just like our in-person meetings and webinars, I’ll share “Member ONLY” content.

But again, this isn’t just the Mitch Levin show. ALL our members will contribute, share resources and reveal any marketing tips that are working exceptionally well. ‘Cuz it would be a sin to not take advantage of a great brain trust like this.

This private password protected Gold section is just one more way we can stay connected as a group and maintain our “esprit de corps” when we’re not together in person.

But we’re not done yet.

You’ll also get access to…

All My Top-Level Experts,

Service Providers And Vendors!

The best of the best. The ones I personally rely on for my own projects and the handful of special clients I occasionally work with. These are the contacts, suppliers, vendors and service providers I’ve practically had to sell my left kidney to track and pin down.

You would have to search, screen, sift and sort for decades to find the honest, dependable “go-to” experts in my personal inner circle. All the while getting shafted, scammed and swindled by con men, crooks and chiselers along the way. (Ask me how I know.)

And you’re guaranteed special treatment from these folks.

You see, the very sharp people and vendors in my inner circle understand it’s just good business to give special treatment to Maverick Millionaire-Maker’s Winners.

Even if you’re small now, they know they’re dealing with a potential client who could be worth millions to them down the road. It only makes sense to treat you well right from the start and give you the best deals. (I’ve trained ’em that way!)

Depending on their availability and my ability to persuade them (or in some cases outright bribe them) I might invite some of my go-to guys and gals to our meetings. But only if I feel they have something timely and important that could help us all.

Maverick Millionaire Mastermind is a closed-door deal. If we do have any special guests, they’ll be meticulously screened by yours truly. Because…

When I Say “Closed Door”

I Mean It!

Our meetings are all about YOU.

As you can see, my Maverick Millionaire Mastermind is not at all like other masterminds. It’s definitely unique.

You see, most masterminds are nothing more than a social group for entrepreneurs. A very expensive social group. And they don’t give you the time and attention you need for true breakthroughs.

Mine is different. It’s not just a bunch of “feel-good” meetings that are nothing more than glorified mini-­seminars. I’ve participated in groups like that. And at the end of the year everybody was still stuck in the same spot where they started.

I’ve observed a lot of those groups and learned a couple valuable lessons:

  1. If you want to grow to your maximum potential, your mastermind leader (Yours Truly) needs to keep on top of your key metrics. (Because if somebody isn’t doing it, nothing ever improves.)
  2. Someone needs to hold you accountable.

Any mastermind without these two crucial components is nothing more than a pricey social group.

That’s why mine is different. You’re going to have a LOT of access to me as your coach and mentor. AND the support of a true strategic mastermind alliance.

Maverick Millionaire Mastermind was inspired by Napoleon Hill’s concept as revealed in his classic book, Think And Grow Rich. (I’ve included an excerpt with this letter just in case you’re not familiar with Hill’s concept.)

I say “inspired” by Hill because it’s a mastermind with a very pragmatic Maverick Millionaire twist. You see, I gave up counting on the elusive and mystical “fru fru” stuff decades ago.

If that turns you on and works for you, I completely support whatever you believe in. I would NEVER in a million years do anything to belittle your beliefs.

But… I’m a “let’s-roll-up-our-sleeves-and-make- stuff-happen-NOW” kind of guy. I can’t afford to wait for muses, unseen forces, dead science fiction authors or revelations from otherworldly beings.

I’m going to help you do what has NEVER failed to work for me…

Be Your Own Muse!

When you can get yourself into a “damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead” mindset… that is when the magic happens. Not sitting on your keester meditating and waiting for inspiration.

So, if you think my mastermind will have you sitting cross-legged in a drum circle singing Kumbaya, waiting for magical unseen forces to descend upon you and inspire you with divine revelations…

This Group Is NOT For You!

There are plenty of shysters who will gladly take your money and provide you with those “sweat lodge” experiences. (Experiences that just might kill you!)

But not me. I’m all about directing you to use your more-than-capable brain to achieve the end results you desire. Not manipulating your emotions with B.S. “fru fru” crap that will only deceive, delude and delay you from REAL accomp1ishment.

So yes, we’re going to mastermind (is that a verb?). AND we’ll include the pragmatic principles and plans that have always proven successful for me, and for thousands of other wealthy entrepreneurs.

In other words, since we’re all “players”, willing to face the truth and toss away any pre-conceived notions and conditioning that aren’t helping us achieve our goals… we’re going to boldly confront the reality of how this world really works — no matter how uncomfortable that might be. And we’re going to use that information to bring about…

Rapid Growth In Your Business, Time And Income!

Let me ask you a question; how much more money could just one breakthrough idea successfully implemented make you this year?

An extra $50,000?


$100,000? Or maybe even…

An Extra $1 Million?

I can’t promise you’ll see those kinds of gains. But I know it’s possible… because I’ve seen it happen. Time and time again.

Let’s just say you made an extra $50,000.00 from one idea you picked up from one of our Maverick Millionaire Mastermind meetings.

And another $50,000.00 from another meeting.

And ANOTHER $50,000.00 from another meeting.

And we turn those ideas into moneymaking assets that continue to earn money year after year.

Can you see how acceptance into Maverick Millionaire can very quickly and significantly increase your income… and totally transform your entire life — forever?

Look, this isn’t pie in the sky stuff we’re talking about. I’m being pretty conservative.

If gains like that are outside your comfort zone and current comprehension level, then quite frankly, Maverick Millionaire probably isn’t for you.

If you can see that kind of growth (and more), then the investment to get into this exclusive group is going to seem quite reasonable, compared to your potential return on investment.

  • The three 2-day meetings…
  • Group webinars…
  • One-on-one access to me (More than I give anybody)
  • Private Gold Mastermind membership site…
  • And access to all my go-to people and resources…

…is available to you for a full year’s membership of $24,950.

Or you can get started with $2,350 down and 11 monthly payments of $2,350.

No need to whip it out. (Your calculator, that is.) I’ve already done the math for you…

You Save $3,250 When You Choose The One-Pay Plan

Frankly, if the fee is a challenge, you’re not ready for this. And don’t forget… there are travel, hotel and meal expenses, too.

If all that would put you in a financial bind, you’d be best served to pass on this elite-level offer and just continue renewing your monthly basic-level Maverick Millionaire membership.

Although if you’re the type of person who understands the value of this rare opportunity…

…And can see the ridiculously high potential ROI from being a part of this premier creme de la creme

…Then you know in your heart this is the right decision for you. Since that’s the case…

Here’s What You Need
To Do Right Now:

In order to make sure all the members have invigorating interaction with the kind of players that guarantee a successful mastermind… I need to be absolutely 100% assured you’re right for this.

I’ve included a brief application you need to fill out. I want to know some details about you, your business and what you want to accomplish in the Maverick Millionaire Mastermind. I require this because…

I Need To Be Absolutely Certain I’m Only Working With Players!

In addition to the application, I also require a fully refundable deposit of $500.

You don’t risk one thin dime of this deposit. And it doesn’t obligate you in any way to join Golden Goose Mastermind. It’s simply a way for me to separate the players from the lookie-loos and tire-kickers.

After I get your application and deposit, my assistant will reach out to you and set up a time for us to chat by phone or Skype. I want to talk with you about your goals and dreams and answer any questions. And I want to make sure the Maverick Millionaire Mastermind is right for you.

If I decide you’re in, we’ll spend a few minutes getting you up to speed for our first meeting so we can hit the ground running.

If either one of us decides the Maverick Millionaire Mastermind isn’t a good fit for you…

I’ll Immediately Refund Your Deposit And We’ll Part As Friends!If you’re accepted into the Maverick Millionaire Mastermind, the balance (or 1st payment if you choose the payment plan) will be due 3 months before.

This is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for your entire life.

I Simply CANNOT Let You Pass On This OFfer!

This is the most important offer that will ever come your way.
Maybe I’ll offer it again at a later date. Maybe I won’t. I honestly have no idea at this point.
The only way to be absolutely sure you’ll get a shot at getting a spot in my application and send YOU
Maverick Millionaire Mastermind.
And I don’t need to say anything more about it.
If all this doesn’t have you so fired up you’re practically
ap our deadline*. There are only a couple spots left so it’s first come, first served.
Apply TODAY.
It could be your last chance 
to get in on this.
Always and All The Best,
Mitch Levin, MD

P.S. I intend to make Gold Mastermind as snobbishly

elite as I possibly can. In fact, I want the people who miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to seethe with jealously and literally ache with regret… for years.

But I don’t want YOU to suffer that cruel fate, Get your application and deposit in immediately before you lose out on one of these coveted spots.

P.S.#2, If you plan on sending your application and deposit via FedEx, you should still call us immediately at 1-888-886-5656 and let us know you’re FedEx-ing your Maverick Millionaire application. That way we can reserve your spot while we await your application and deposit, (Call 407-922-4689 if calling from outside the U.S.)

P.S. #3, See below for a brief summary of Napoleon Hill’s mastermind philosophy…


The “Master Mind” may be defined as: “Coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose,”

No individual may have great power without availing himself of the “Master Mind.” In a preceding chapter, instructions were given for the creation of PLANS for the of translating DESIRE into its monetary equivalent.

If you carry out these instructions with PERSISTENCE and intelligence, and use discrimination in the selection of your “Master Mind” group, your objective will have been half­way reached, even before you begin to recognize it.

So you may better understand the “intangible” potentialities of power available to you, through a properly chosen “Master Mind” group, we will here explain the two characteristics of the Master Mind principle, one of which is economic m nature, and the other psychic.

The economic feature is obvious. Economic advantages may be created by any person who surrounds himself with the advice, counsel, and personal cooperation of a group of men who arc willing to lend him wholehearted aid, in a spirit of PERFECT HARMONY. This form of cooperative alliance has been the basis of nearly every great fortune. Your understanding of this great truth may definitely determine your financial status.

The psychic phase of the Master Mind principle is much more abstract, much more difficult to comprehend, because it has reference to the spiritual forces with which the human race, as a whole, is not well acquainted. You may catch a significant suggestion from this statement: “No two minds ever come together without, thereby, creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind.”

Keep in mind the fact that there are only two known elements in the whole universe, energy and matter. It is a well-known fact that matter may be broken down into units of molecules, atoms, and electrons. There are units of matter which may be isolated, separated, and analyzed.

Likewise, there are units of energy. The human mind is a form of energy, a part of it being spiritual in nature. When the minds of two people are coordinated in a SPIRIT OF HARMONY, the spiritual units of energy of each mind form an affinity, which constitutes the “psychic” phase of the Master Mind.

The Master Mind principle, or rather the economic feature of it, was first called to my attention by Andrew Carnegie, over twenty-live years ago. Discovery of this principle was responsible for the choice of my life’s work.

Mr. Carnegie’s Master Mind group consisted of a staff of approximately fifty men, with whom he surrounded himself, for the DEFINITE PURPOSE of manufacturing and marketing steel. He attributed his entire fortune to the POWER he accumulated through this “Master Mind.”

Analyze the record of any mail who has accumulated a great fortune, and many of those who have accumulated modest fortunes, and you will find that they have either consciously, or unconsciously employed the “Master Mind” principle.



Return your risk-free application by if using a credit card. Or by FedEx if enclosing a check. {Payable to Mitch Levin & Associates, LLC.)

Or you can pay your deposit and fill out the application online:

Remember, your deposit and application must be received on or before January 31, 2023 or you very likely wil1 miss out on one of these Maverick Millionaire Mastermind spots.

I’m looking forward to welcoming you to our 218 MPH ride together in my “Porsche” (I have two 🙂 ) very soon.

Success Be Yours